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Case of Liz Naphegyi

She revealed that there was paranormal activity in her home, so she gave Raquel, one of our paranormal experts, a tour around her house. Raquel did a reading in each part of her home.

The Reading

Giving a tour around her home, Raquel, one of our paranormal experts, did a reading in each area of her home. She identified that there was a man who looked like a shadow figure on Liz's upstairs that makes footsteps. Liz validated this by saying that at night, she would hear footsteps on her upstairs. Then Raquel went downstairs into the basement and mentioned that there was a poltergeist. Liz was surprised by this and said that she had items move on their own and DVD's fall off the bookshelf. The final area they went to was Liz's bedroom, where Raquel mentioned that a spirit would approach the right side of the bed, confidently saying that's where Liz slept, and the spirit would call out Liz's name. She was more surprised by this, validating that she did in fact sleep on the right side of the bed, and that she could hear her name being called out only when she was lying down on the bed. Then Raquel psychically picked up that the man from the upstairs would stand in front of the doorway. That's when Liz believed in her abilities as that's where she would see the "shadow man". 

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Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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